Sgrios Mass: The Eclipse
Sgrios mass by Paramour & Nimoko Within which realm do we chose to exist? Zealots preach the abundance of light, yet those scholars who study the known world as they do a book know that darkness reigns. Yet as easily as we can seek shade on a sunny day or bathe ourselves in the warmth of a summer sun, we can exist in the worlds of dark and light as we carry ourselves through our waking moments. There was a time -- not even too long ago, historically speaking -- in which the forces of the darkness sought dominance over that of the light. The two prevailing mother elements, both equally matched and co-dependant upon each other for survival, threw wave after wave of valuable lives into the black abyss of eternal sleep for a ruddy foolish endeavor. Even the Gods can be petty when it comes to control, and so it was, then, that the Goddess of Light and the Lord of Darkness drew lines across our world and nearly tore it asunder in their greedy conquest. ...