Sgrios Mass: Claim an Aisling Soul

On this fine day an enthusiastic crowd gathered in the Sgrios temple to give praise during a ceremonial Sgrios mass in which temple worshiper Jean willingly sacrificed himself in honor of our great Lord. During this mass our worshipers were instructed on the usefulness of one of our faith's supplications: claiming the soul of an aisling.

By praying to Sgrios for a supplication, worshipers can ask to claim an aislings soul. It is recommended that you use this prayer to claim the soul of one whom might be leaving on a dangerous hunt, or someone whom you wish to instill discomfort and dread in. If this aisling dies while the supplication is in effect, you will gain great faith and favor with Sgrios. You are encouraged to take full advantage of this often neglected supplication.

To all who were present and active, I thank you for your time and contributions.
